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Topic > Computers > Programming |
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2 projects in result set.
Numeración Combinatoria
- La Numeración Combinatoria estudia sistemas de numeración basados en fenómenos combinatorios y sus aplicaciones.
Es un nuevo campo sin explotar ni explorar.
Para todos los niveles, ven, aprende, enséñanos, diviértete y participa. | |
Registered: 2007-09-24 17:09 |
- NightLight2D is a 2D GameEngine, written in C++ and OpenGL. It comes with various Tools, such as a ShaderEditor and many more.
It aims to be a complete solution for making 2D Games and provides an easy to use API, which is also suitable for beginners. | |
Activity Percentile: 0.00 Registered: 2011-07-15 19:24 |