Project List

Displaying results 51-75 out of 2202 total.
Activities 4 Kids - Information, ideas and activities for children primarily for educational purposes, including links to books, websites and other online aids as well as original ideas. Games, Worksheets, Ways of learning, Methods of assisting learning, Activity sheets
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Register Date: 2016-02-01 22:19

Adur Voluntary Action - AVA: at the heart of Adur Community Life and Wellbeing
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Register Date: 2010-04-11 10:04

Advanced Post Apocalyptic Ruleset - A modern reincarnation of the beloved S.P.E.C.I.A.L. ruleset.

Register Date: 2011-03-08 00:36

Aethonem Aquilam - Crowdsourced Social Media Facts and Figures about Users, Locations, Application Software, and other metadata found on social media platforms. The name Aethonem Aquilam is taken from an ancient Greek story of an Eagle who torments the trickster Prometheus.
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Register Date: 2019-05-13 08:42

Afghanistan Resources - Creating a wiki of resources for research of Afghan history, in particular declassified information that is now publicly available, but not elsewhere in an easy to search format.
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Register Date: 2013-12-27 21:59

African Animals By Maple Class - Welcome to Maple Class' African Animal webpage! They have collected facts about a variety of different animals that live in different places in Africa and are really excited to share with you the interesting facts they discovered!
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Register Date: 2015-10-20 07:04

After Sapiens - Collect information about the recent possibilities of natural procreation (the way how humans conception and birth went socially before we know the connection of the sperm and birth). Also aimed to fight the right of group adoption, group jurification.
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Register Date: 2008-07-26 09:14

Agenda ODS TIC Venezuela - La Agenda ODSTIC estudia la calidad y frecuencia de utilización de las TIC por las organizaciones sociales venezolanas, y cómo efectivamente se puede potenciar su labor con la aplicación de esas tecnologías.
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Register Date: 2004-07-21 11:51

Agri-library - Public description for BharatAgri Demo
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Register Date: 2020-04-30 07:31

Ahorcado - Juego del ahorcado

Register Date: 2009-04-02 22:38

Akelarre Feminista 8 de Noviembre - Akelarre Feminista 8 de Noviembre es un espacio feminista de Madrid que se reúne en el barrio de Chamberí aunque sus participantes vienen de diversos puntos. Un espacio de lucha contra el sistema patriarcal.
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Register Date: 2014-01-25 12:24

Alberta Food Cooperative Planning - We are forming an Alberta Cooperative based on the BC "Horse Lake Farm/CEEDS" coop, this will be a forum to draft our bylaws, mission/vision/values, etc.
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Register Date: 2013-03-31 22:04

Alerta! - Pretendemos alertar y ser alertados de diferentes eventos y acontecimientos a través de herramientas de colaboración como ushahidi.
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Register Date: 2010-08-01 15:24

Alfabetización Digital Informática - El PC es la herramienta de trabajo más utilizada actualmente, pero no se provee al usuario de los conocimientos necesarios para tener esta herramienta afilada, limpia y lista para usar. Este proyecto pretende conseguirlo de forma amena y sencilla.

Register Date: 2006-06-20 17:57

Algebraic Bayesian Networks - Терминология для алгебраических байесовских сетей
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Register Date: 2012-11-16 14:33

Algorithm Notes - Notes on algorithm findings.
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Register Date: 2016-12-31 23:49

Algorithms for the web etc. (BISS 2012) - This wiki is dedicated to the students that want to submit their final assignments for the exam of "Algorithms for the web and for social networks" (a course that is taught as part of BISS 2012)
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Register Date: 2012-03-13 20:14

Algoritmi e Programmazione Avanzata - Note e appunti del corso di Algoritmi e Programmazione Avanzata

Register Date: 2012-05-09 15:36

All The Know How - A reference of all the things I've learned and know.
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Register Date: 2016-01-15 18:41

Alpedia - multi-language Wiki for mountaineering in the Alps
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Register Date: 2013-08-22 11:23

Alternative Voices - A student publication at the University of Southampton aiming to provide a platform for alternative social critique and to elevate student consciousness on a number of issues.
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Register Date: 2012-12-09 22:39

Amac Roosendaal interne wiki - Interne wiki voor uitsluitend medewerkers van Amac Roosendaal.
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Register Date: 2018-02-12 15:40

Amarc tics - Programa de Nuevas Tecnologías y Software Libre de AMARC, la Asociación Mundial de Radios Comunitarias para Am. Latina y CAribe
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Register Date: 2009-12-01 11:56

Amauta - Es un grupo de Investigación y Desarrollo con la finalidad de crear aplicaiones de software libre para entornos educatidos.
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Register Date: 2003-03-03 13:10

American Cultural Studies - This is a project associated with the University of Stuttgart's American Studies seminar in Stuttgart, Germany. The wiki will be an ongoing database of terminology used in the academic field of American Studies. It will continue to expand with each new year, allowing it to become not only an educational tool for students, but a hands-on tool for students to actively contribute to and comment on in a workshop setting.
This project has not yet categorized itself in the Trove Software Map
Register Date: 2019-06-30 14:53

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