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Project Filelist for Semantic Web API

File Release Notes and Changelog

Release Name: SWAPI 0.0.70

Release Notes
The "Semantic Web Abstract Programming Interface" is a standard way of writing 
applications use data from the Semantic Web.  It is abbreviated as "SWAPI" - 
pronounced "swap I" or "swap E" each with a long "a" (as in caught) depending 
on your mood.

Major Completed Features:
  1. Implementation and unit tests for OpenRDF Sesame 1.2.1.
  2. Implemenation and unit tests for Jena Semantic Web Framework 2.2.
  3. RDF Abstract Syntax data manipulation API and unit tests.
  4. Basic Graph query API.
  5. Basic Connection API for manipulating Graphs.
Change Log
Changes in version 0.0.70 (2005-09-24):
  1. Reversioned (2005-09-12) to 0.0.55 from 0.0.70 upon reflection, more 
     accurately describing its status.  This is the real Slim Shady!!!
  2. Refactored Unit Tests to use Jena and OpenRDF implementations.
  3. Added OpenRDF 1.2.1 implementation.
  4. Modified Graph, Statement, Node, Connection semantics.
  5. Minor changes to Apache Ant build script.
  6. Started refactoring documentation to conform with MoinMoin syntax.
  7. Updated online and offline documentation.

Changes in version 0.0.55 (2005-09-12):
  1. Renamed DataSource to Connection, describing its real inspiration.
  2. Figured out this new-fangled CVS and Intarweb...

Changes in version 0.0.45 (2005-09-11):
  1. Changed Graph definition to provide basic query operations.
  2. Specified a Source of Graphs.
  3. Majorly Refactored Jena Implementation.
  4. Tried making a Query API, but failed due to hard implementations. :-/
  5. Specified a Factory for Value Objects in the Syntax.
  6. Didn't update the CVS.

Changes in version 0.0.30 (2005-09-05):
  1. Removed silly in-joke from 0.0.1 changelog description.
  2. Removed "uploaded via CVS" from 0.0.25 changelog, put here.
  3. Changed Graph definition to be a source of values.
  4. Uploaded via CVS.

Changes in version 0.0.25 (2005-09-04):
  1. Inteface modeling the RDF Abstract Syntax.
  2. Jena implementation and unit tests of the RDF Abstract Syntax.
  3. Changed version numbering.

Changes in version 0.0.1 (2005-08-12):
  1. Finished local framework for building and developing the project.